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2014 Best of Summer Photo Contest Winner

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In case you missed it, we just announced the winner of the 2014 "Best of Summer" photo contest. 

A big congratulations to Jon Currier! 

Jon's picture of a Malibu Boat (two blue LIFEFORM 9s installed) cruising into the sunset obviously captured the hearts of all the romantics out there ;)

By The Numbers...

Photo submissions: 15

Total Photo Views: 2,475

Total Votes: 145

Social Shares: 23

Countries Represented: 2 (USA and Canada)

This year was the inaugural summer photo contest. We were pleased to receive 15 photo submissions from boaters across the US and Canada. Every light in the underwater series was represented in the contest. 

Getting Eyeballs On The Submissions...

Since we only ran the contest for four weeks we decided to promote the contest across facebook and Twitter in order to get as many eyeballs on the contest as possible. 

First, we created a custom facebook app and used it as a landing page for people to cast their votes - 


And share the ones they liked across other social channels - 

Next, we set up facebook ads and targeted them at people with expressed interests in the boating community - 

As entries continued to come in through email and facebook we promoted them continually on our facebook wall and Twitter feed. 

The Contestants...

Enough with the details. We wanted to give every person that made the effort to snap a picture and send it in a moment in the spotlight -

As you can see, there were a lot great pictures entered in this year's contest. 

What now?

The summer is still in full swing with plenty of time for more awesome photo entries. So, we're opening up the submissions for next summer's photo contest and we have a sneaky suspicion the stakes will be lifted next year :)

For all the boaters that have just put the lights in the water start snapping pictures and send them into us through facebook. We'll add them to the pool of contestants for next year's cash prize. 

Video Contest

Before you log off, don't forget that tomorrow we're announcing the winner of the 2014 "Best of Summer" Video Contest. So far we've received four video entries. Check them out here. Make sure you vote (like, share or comment) for the video you think should win the $200 cash prize

This video is currently leading the race (watch for the tail wag) - 

And that's a wrap. 

Do you have a picture to submit? If so, send them into us. If not, get the camera out!

If you have any questions about our underwater series please check out the FAQs or contact us

Also, don't be a stranger. Connect with us on - 

Facebook (hint: there's a cool prize waiting for you)



Happy boating!

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